Director Vivek Agnihotri has responded to the lukewarm box office reception of his film “The Vaccine War,” which was released in theaters on September 28. During an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Agnihotri compared the film’s audience to the readership of different publications, emphasizing that not all films will have the same appeal to audiences.
Agnihotri stated, “Lukewarm response means that they thought as many people who buy Playboy also buy the Bhagavad Gita. That doesn’t happen. Is it possible? The reality of the world is entirely different.”
He went on to explain that the film’s response has been positive among those who watched it, with approximately 90% expressing their satisfaction and praising the movie. Agnihotri believes that negative reports are driven by negative public relations rather than genuine audience reactions.
“The Vaccine War” is a film that delves into the struggles faced by Indian scientists in developing vaccines, particularly India’s first COVID-19 vaccine. Nana Patekar plays the role of the head scientist, leading a team through challenges such as budget constraints and media narratives. The film also features Anupam Kher, Raima Sen, Sapthami Gowda, and Pallavi Joshi in key roles.
While the film may not have achieved blockbuster status at the box office, Agnihotri believes that it will find its audience and resonate with those who watch it. He emphasized that different films cater to different tastes and preferences, and it’s important not to judge a film’s success solely by its box office numbers.
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