Mumbai: Akshay Kumar and Kriti Sanon’s ‘Bachchan Pandey’ is all set to release in theatres on Holi this year, which falls on March 18. Akshay Kumar shared the new posters of the film on Instagram and wrote, “Action, Comedy, Romance, Drama L-O-A-D-I-N-G this Holi! #SajidNadiawala’s #BachchanPandey in cinemas on 18th March, 2022.”
While one poster features Akshay seated on a truck pointing a gun at the sky along with a group of people, the other one feature the superstar in a rugged avatar, sporting chains around his neck and a bag loaded with guns and weapons. ‘Bachchan Pandey’ is directed by Farhad Samji and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. Jacqueline Fernandez, Pankaj Tripathi, and Arshad Warsi are also a part of the film.
The movie was scheduled to be released on January 26 but due to the rise in COVID-19 and Omicron cases theatres in Delhi are shut since the end of December 2021, and cinema halls in multiple states throughout the country are at 50 per cent occupancy.