The Department of Science and Technology organized a panel discussion on “Technology Needs Assessment for Sustainable Living” at the India Pavilion at COP 27 to identify technology needs and their assessment for adoption for the sustainable well-being of global citizens in the future. In a discussion, MoEFCC Minister Ms. Leena Nandan said that India and the world need technology today. Climate change is not a problem limited to those who are considered emitters. There is now a realization and a wider and unified understanding that climate change cannot be wished away. It’s already knocking on our door.
She further stated that climate change has led to devastation in the form of several natural phenomena. Our lifestyles must change to respond to the challenges we face, said Ms. Leena Nandan. She said our discussion must now focus on bridging the gap between what we want to achieve and how to achieve it. The MEFCC secretary said the science is there, but how to apply that science and knowledge to our activities needs to be worked out.
On technology in road construction, she said that one size fits all cannot apply to India because of India’s vast diversity. Technology needs assessment varies from state to state. Terrain diversity forces states to find their own solutions. The secretary also talked about the circular economy. Reduce, reuse, recycle, restore and renovate. All the R’s need a T, which is technology, she said. She urged the DST to engage with state governments and come up with innovative solutions.
The MEFCC secretary reiterated the need to work across silos and also said technology cannot remain confined to big players due to their access to finance. SMEs and start-ups must have access to finance to make optimal use of technology. “We need to add our pieces to the bigger picture, only then can we as a country say we have taken decisive steps to address climate change,” the minister concluded.