Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh attended the Yoga 2022 International Day Ceremony, organized by the Department of Defense (MoD), New Delhi on May 19, 2022. Shri Rajnath Singh performed various asana during the event, along with Raksha RajyaMantri Shri. Ajay Bhatt, Financial Adviser (Defense Services) Shri Sanjiv Mittal, Director General of Defense Shri Ajay Kumar Sharma, other senior MoD officials and the general public.
In his speech, Raksha Mantri described the old practice of Yoga as a major Indian heritage that adds new energy to people’s lives and connects them to the individual and his nature. “Yoga directs the mind and makes it healthier. It helps to do the job properly. Yoga is not just an occasional practice, it is a reason for the strength & motivation to do daily activities with efficiency and awareness. Yoga strengthens our thinking, knowledge, efficiency and dedication, ”he said.
Shri Rajnath Singh described Yoga as a way to deal with a variety of health ailments including diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood pressure and depression as it eliminates internal conflict and stress. He highlighted the important role of Yogasanas and Pranamaama in strengthening immunization against the COVID-19 epidemic.
Raksha Mantri quoted Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s speech at the United Nations (UNGA) in September 2014 urging the international community to celebrate International Yoga Day. He said, Yoga is a guarantee of good health at zero cost. Raksha Mantri welcomed the fact that UNGA saw Yoga as a practice that provided a holistic view of health and wellness.
Shri Rajnath Singh commended the Armed Forces, Indian Coast Guard, Defense Public Sector Undertakings and all MoD departments for participating enthusiastically in the celebrations since UNGA unanimously approved the decision to celebrate June 21 as Yoga Day International. He urged people to practice Yoga in their quest for a happy and balanced life.