HomeEconomyFormer Pakistani PM Imran Khan sent prison for the next 10 years

Former Pakistani PM Imran Khan sent prison for the next 10 years

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Monday that the country’s powerful military power plans to keep him in prison for the next 10 years on sedition charges.

In a series of tweets in the early hours of Monday, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chief said: “So the complete London plan is out now. Using the pretext of violence, while I was in prison, they assumed the role of judge, jury and executioner. Now the plan is to humiliate me by putting Bushra begum (Khan’s wife) in jail and using some sedition law to keep me inside for another ten years.” The tweets came after Khan hosted a meeting of PTI leaders at his residence in Lahore.

The 70-year-old leader, who has been granted bail in more than 100 cases, further said, “To ensure that there is no public reaction, they have done two things – first, deliberate terror is unleashed not only on PTI workers but also on common citizens.

Secondly, the media is completely controlled and silenced.” He said that the sanctity of chadar and chaar dewaari has never been violated in the way these “criminals” are doing.

“This is a deliberate attempt to instill so much fear in people that when they come to arrest me tomorrow, people won’t come out. And tomorrow they will suspend internet services again and ban social networks (which are only partially open). Meanwhile, as we speak, houses are being broken into and women in houses are being treated brazenly by the police,” he said.

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Khan gave his message to the people of Pakistan: “My message to the people of Pakistan; I will fight for Haqeeqi Azaadi to the last drop of my blood because death is better for me than being enslaved by these bunch of crooks.

“I call upon all my people to remember that we promised LA Illah ha illalah that we will not bow down to anyone but One (Allah). If we bow down to the idol of fear, it will only be humiliation and dismemberment for our future generations. A country where there is injustice and the law of the jungle will not survive for long.”

Khan returned to his home in Lahore on Saturday after locking himself inside the Islamabad High Court (IHC) premises for hours for fear of re-arrest despite being granted bail on Friday.

The IHC granted Khan bail, preventing authorities from arresting him in any cases registered against him after May 9, and asked him to approach the Lahore High Court on May 15 seeking further relief.

Khan went on to say that the JUI-F’s “drama” unfolding before the Supreme Court has only one purpose – to intimidate the Chief Justice of Pakistan from giving a constitutional verdict.

“Pakistan has already experienced such a brazen attack on the Supreme Court when PMLN goons physically assaulted it in 1997 and had one of the most respected Chief Justices Sajjad Ali Shah removed,” he said.

Khan’s arrest by Pakistan Rangers at the IHC compound last Tuesday sparked unrest in Pakistan that continued into Friday and resulted in several deaths and dozens of military and government installations destroyed by protesters.

For the first time in the country’s history, protesters attacked the Army Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi and also set fire to the house of the Corps Commander in Lahore.

Police have put the death toll in the violent clashes at 10, while Khan’s party says 40 of its employees have lost their lives in firing by security personnel.

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