Varun Dhawan starrer Bhediya opened on low numbers at the domestic box office. Directed by Amar Kaushik, the film collected ₹7.48 crore nett on the first day of its release. Bhediya could not surpass the collection of Drishyam 2 on day 8. It earned ₹7.87 crore on the eighth day of release. In a press release on Saturday, production banners Jio Studios and Maddock Films shared the first day gross worldwide collection of Bhediya. The note read, “Bhediya opens worldwide on Friday with a first day gross of ₹ 12.06 crore. The film grew significantly till Friday evening and showed a fantastic upward trend, with Saturday morning shows already showing an average growth of 45 percent over Friday morning, in the middle of positive reviews. and word of mouth.”
Film trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the poster of the film with Varun on Twitter on Saturday. Sharing another box office figure, he tweeted, “Bhediya opens under brand name on Day 1 despite favorable word of mouth… Reported better occupancy during evening/night shows giving it a chance to gain momentum… Biz (business) needs to multiply by 2. and Day 3 to take a healthy weekend tally… Friday ₹ 7.48 cr. India biz.” #Bhediya opens way below mark on Day 1, despite favorable word of mouth… Reported better occupancy during evening / night shows, giving it a chance to gain momentum… Biz needs to multiply on 2nd and 3rd day for a healthy weekend total… Fri 7.48cr #Indiabusiness
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 26, 2022
Bhediya follows Bhaskar (Varun) who transforms into a werewolf every full moon night after being bitten by a mythical wolf. The film also stars Kriti Sanon, Deepak Dobriyal and Abhishek Banerjee. The horror comedy is produced by Dinesh Vijan. It is produced by Jio Studios and Vijan’s Maddock Films.
Bhediya’s review: “Varun Dhawan is in top form and owns every frame. He literally pushed the saw, tried a new genre and looked so convincing in it. His transformation scenes from man to wolf are stunning and terrifying at the same time with his ripped muscles and a chiseled body that sends chills down your spine. She excels in both comic and serious scenes. Kriti Sanon is decent and gives a good performance, however, her character, I felt, could have had more depth and better placement in the narrative.”
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