Ajay Devgn’s latest book Runway 34 has earned him the respect of Amitabh Bachchan, a fellow airplane player. Ajay, who once said he would not have made the film if Amitabh Bachchan refused to star in it, took to social media on Saturday to write a handwritten letter from the veteran actor. Ajay expressed his disappointment after reading a handwritten note that Amitabh called “perfect honor” to be directed by Ajay in the film.
Ajay tweeted a picture of Amitabh’s note, then wrote, “When the famous Amitabh Bachchan plays in your directing program, it is a difficult honor to express in words. And when he uses his heartfelt words in a handwritten note it is inspiring. . Thank you Amit ji! # Runway34. “
The letter, dated April 29, was written in a pamphlet containing the names of Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan, as well as the Bachchan B-shaped mark. Amitabh wrote in the book, “Ajay! Ajay! Ajay! It is an absolute privilege to be a part of ’34 ‘and to be the recipient of an excellent director’s gift. Your work is great. The way you put it all together is just amazing. and many others ‘better’. Congratulations.
Ajay sent another note from Amitabh, writing, “Also, Amitji is carrying his message with these words.” The letter read, “PS: Your speech and conduct on the driver’s side were really smart.” He also shared notes on his Instagram account, in which his wife Kajol commented, “The names fit well on both sides.”
Runway 34 has been embroiled in a real-life incident since 2015 when a Doha flight to Kochi had an accidental escape after experiencing difficulty staying at the airport due to bad weather and poor visibility. It revolves around Ajay’s character Captain Vikrant Khanna, a flying star, while RakulPreet Singh portrays his assistant Tanya Albuquerque. Amitabh Bachchan plays the detective Narayan Vedant in the case. Ajay not only starred in the film but also directed and produced the project.
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