Following the deaths of 13 people due to clouds and floods on Friday evening, Amarnath Yatra has been suspended in Jammu and Kashmir. More than 40 people are still missing and rescue operations which lasted all night are still ongoing. On Saturday morning, 11 injured yatris (pilgrims) were airlifted from the sanctuary the Holy Cave to Baltal base camp hospital as the IMD (India Meteorological Department) office in Srinagar had predicted new floods. Lt Governor of J&K Manoj Sinha has been monitoring the situation. About 15,000 people are safe, “Indo Tibetan Border police said in a statement.
The injured were being treated at a temporary hospital near the shrine, officials said. On Saturday morning, 11 wounded were taken to Baltal Hospital camp by military chopper. “After the initial treatment, the injured will be transferred to Srinagar,” the doctor said. Health officials said all hospitals had responded to the situation, with the withdrawal of staff and doctors. Four bodies were also brought to the Baltal base camp.
The officials said a cloud – at 6:40 pm on Friday – caused landslides and floods that destroyed dozens of tents and public restaurants near the Holy Cave. Haseeb Ur Rehman, Director of SDRF (Regional Disaster Response Fund) and Civil Defense Kashmir, confirmed that 13 bodies have been found so far. “Of the dead, 11 were women and two were men.” He said three SDRF staff members also received minor injuries. Meanwhile, IMD, in a statement on Saturday morning, said there may be less rain on the streets of Pahalgam and Baltal. “It is likely to drop further within the next 1-2 hours. After that another cloud moving in the direction of the Baltal-Holy Cave route may cause minor or moderate rainfall that could cause flooding,” said the weather office, warning people to remain vigilant.