New Delhi: The All India Football Federation (AIFF) announced on Thursday that as many as 18 Indian referees have been included in the FIFA Refereeing International list for 2022. The list includes officials who are qualified to be referees and assistant referees, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) said in a statement on their official website.
The members of the list are eligible to act as an official in-charge at the international level and are entitled to wear a FIFA badge on their uniform for the year they are enlisted. The selection for the annual list is made through the nominations sent by FIFA member countries and the officials are required to clear a fitness test.
Out of the selected 18 Indians, 4 are women (2 referees and 2 assistant referees), and 14 are men (6 referees and 8 assistant referees).
Men Refrees: Tejas Nagvenkar, Srikrishna Coimbatore Ramaswamy, Rowan Arumughan, Crystal John, Pranjal Banerjee and Venkatesh Ramachandran
Men Assistant Refrees: Sumanta Dutta, Antony Abraham, Tony Joseph Louis, Vairamuthu Parasuraman, Samar Pal, Kennedy Sapam, Arun Sasidharan Pillai and Asit Kumar Sarkar
Women Referees: Ranjita Devi Tekcham and Kanika Barman
Women Assistant Referees: Uvena Fernandes and Riiohlang Dhar