The latest beta version of the end-to-end encrypted messaging service WhatsApp for Android has been redesigned to include a dual-panel interface for tablets.
According to GSM Arena, a tech news site, what usually happens in these cases is that such new features are tested in the beta channel for some time, it can be weeks or even months, and eventually they roll out to everyone.
A two-panel UI makes a lot more sense on tablets than just a scaled-up version of the phone’s design, so hopefully the same reasoning will apply here.
Although it did not feature split view, the first version of WhatsApp that was compatible with Android tablets was released to beta testers last year. Users can try out the new user interface, which appears to be available now for beta program participants.
According to GSM Arena, unsurprisingly, the chat list is always visible on the left, so you can quickly jump between conversations without having to go back first. Split view is also available for Calls and Status tabs.
Meanwhile, last month Whatsapp started rolling out picture-in-picture video calling mode for iOS. According to the source, the feature, which WhatsApp first started testing last year, allows users to open other apps during video calls without any interruption.
WhatsApp will reduce your video call to a small window that sits on top of whatever app you go into, similar to FaceTime’s picture-in-picture mode. This allows you to participate in a call while searching for information online, reading a relevant book or even playing a game.
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