WhatsApp brings an added user privacy feature that allows people to avoid calls from unknown numbers. That’s according to WhatsApp update tracker WABetaInfo, which further reported that the feature is available as part of the latest WhatsApp Beta update for Android on the Google Play Store. A screenshot uploaded to WABetaInfo provides more details on this option:
As seen above, the mute button for unknown callers can be found in Settings < Privacy. However, muted calls will appear in the Calls tab and also in the notification center.
According to WABetaInfo, this tool will reduce the risk of people falling victim to scammers and also allow you to focus on your work or more important tasks.
The website noted that the feature is currently only available to select beta testers. Before releasing any new ability, the Meta-owned platform tests it in real-time with some users; the process is known as beta testing.
In the meantime, the launch for the general public. will take place in the coming weeks.
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