One person died in the recent fire that gutted two film sets in Mumbai. On Friday, a fire broke out at the sets located at Chitrakoot Grounds in suburban Andheri West. The sets of director Luv Ranjan’s upcoming untitled film starring Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor and the sets of Rajshri Production were gutted in the fire. The fire, which was extinguished after five hours with the help of eight fire engines, five water jets and other equipment, claimed the life of a 32-year-old man, according to the statement. Meanwhile, another person was injured in the fire.
Civic officials said Manish Devashi, who was injured in the fire, was declared brought dead at the civic-run Cooper Hospital. Ashok Dubey, general secretary of the Cinema Employees Federation of Western India, said that the person who did the lighting on the sets of Luv Ranjan also suffered minor injuries. The fire started in a makeshift pandal where some wooden items were kept. However, the cause of the fire is still unclear. Meanwhile, Ashok Dubey claimed that the contractor who built these sets was the same person who built the film set in Bangur Nagar that caught fire a year and a half ago.
He said, “Fires break out quite often (on film sets) and we don’t understand on what basis the municipal corporation gives permission to build sets. Fire safety rules need to be followed.” Film producer Boney Kapoor, who is making his debut with Luv Ranjan, revealed to Bombay Times on Friday that only lighting work was underway on the set when the fire broke out and they were expected to start shooting on Saturday. . A report in Etimes also said that Dharmendra’s grandson and Sunny Deola’s younger son Rajveer, who is gearing up to make his Bollywood debut with Rajshri Productions, was filming when the fire broke out on the set.