A Maoist man having a Rs 5 lakh over his head has surrendered to police in the Kalahandi region, police said on Monday. A devout Maoist identified as LalsuSendhuLaxmanApka, 50) hails from Bijapur in Chattisgarh district under Ganglore police station. She joined the banned dress in 2009 at GangloreDalam at the age of 17 and moved to Odisha in 2011.
Since then, he has worked in the BGN (Bansadhara-Ghumsur-Nagabali) division of the Kalahandi region and is now the secretary of the Local Committee. He has dedicated himself to DIG Rajesh Pandit, SP KalahandiSavarnaVivek and CRPF Commandant BiplabSarkar.The SP said Lalsu was gradually disappointed by the illegal Maoist activities. But at the heart of it was the wedding of a devout Maoist couple Ramdas and Kalamii organized by Kalahandi police on April 22 at the police station in Bawanipatna.
The devout Maoist was involved in a firefight with police in Manka in 2016, in Barangapadar in 2017, in Turkey and Katalghati in 2019 and in Sohespadar in 2020, the DIG reported Said Pandit.He will be rehabilitated in line with the provincial government’s funding and rehabilitation policy and will be provided with Rs 5 lakh financial assistance outside the city and construction site, marriage grant, Rs 3,000 scholarship per month and vocational training, DIG said. Steps will be taken with his recruitment to his advantage, says DIG, adding that six years ago, seven Maoists working in Kalahandi, were dedicated and provided with rehabilitation assistance.
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