In a strategic move ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the National Conference (NC) has announced Omar Abdullah and former minister Aga Ruhullah as its candidates for the Baramulla and Srinagar Lok Sabha seats, respectively. This decision comes amidst the ongoing alliance between the NC and the Congress, which is contesting three out of Jammu and Kashmir’s five Lok Sabha seats.
Omar Abdullah, the former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, emphasized that the NC’s fight is not against individuals but against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Central government. He expressed his determination to represent the aspirations of the people and counter the influence of the BJP in North Kashmir, particularly in Baramulla, where he will be contesting. Notably, Omar Abdullah’s decision to contest from Baramulla is aimed at challenging the BJP and its allies, who are heavily invested in the region.
Meanwhile, the candidature of Aga Ruhullah for the Srinagar Lok Sabha seat is seen as a strategic move by the NC, considering his vocal opposition to the nullification of Constitution Article 370. Ruhullah’s stance on prioritizing the restoration of autonomous status for Jammu and Kashmir aligns with the NC’s objectives, adding weight to his candidacy.
Farooq Abdullah, the NC chief, cited health reasons for opting out of the election fray but affirmed his commitment to campaign for the NC and Congress alliance across Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.
The NC’s decision to field Omar Abdullah and Aga Ruhullah reflects its strategy to strengthen its position in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections while addressing key issues concerning the region’s autonomy and political landscape. As the electoral campaign gains momentum, all eyes will be on the NC’s candidates as they navigate through a complex political terrain in Jammu and Kashmir.
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