India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is set to embark on the establishment of the Bharat Semiconductor Research Centre in collaboration with the industry and academia, as announced by Minister of State Rajeev Chandrasekhar on Friday.
Minister Chandrasekhar expressed that the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is for India to take a leadership role in semiconductor research, aligning with the government’s push for self-reliance in critical technology areas.
An expert panel, consisting of prominent figures in the semiconductor industry worldwide and within the country, has designed the framework for the Bharat Semiconductor Research Centre. The proposed center aims to be a global institution dedicated to semiconductor research.
“The design, areas of focus, and other essential details have all been comprehensively outlined in a high-quality report by the expert panel. I am optimistic that by 2024, the institution will begin to take shape,” stated Minister Chandrasekhar. He further emphasized that the Bharat Semiconductor Research Centre is expected to evolve into one of the leading semiconductor research institutes over the next four to five years.
Regarding the financial investment required for the institution, Minister Chandrasekhar assured that there will be no constraints, indicating a commitment to supporting the center’s endeavors.
When questioned about the nature of the investment, whether in the form of grants or equity for the development of intellectual property rights (IPRs) generated at the institution, the minister clarified that the specifics of government investment would be determined at a later stage.
This significant initiative underscores India’s commitment to enhancing its capabilities in semiconductor research and development, a crucial sector for technological advancement and national self-reliance. The Bharat Semiconductor Research Centre holds the promise of being a driving force in India’s semiconductor research landscape, reinforcing the country’s position on the global technology stage.
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