Northwestern and central India recorded the highest temperatures in April for the past 121 years, the Indian Department of Environmental Affairs (IMD) said on Saturday. Giving a forecast for May, the Met department said northwestern and central India were higher than normal and lower temperatures were expected to continue.
Mohapatra, director-general of meteorology, IMD, said that while northwestern and central India were recording the hottest April since the department began bookkeeping, India as a whole recorded the fourth hottest month of April. He also said that in April, large parts of northern, northwestern and central India were recorded above normal temperatures due to the lack of a proper climate system that brought good rainfall or cloudy skies that could lower temperatures.
“If you look at the record high temperatures in northwestern and central India, they have been the highest in the last 121 years,” Mohapatra said.
He said the average temperature in northwestern India in April was 35.90 degrees Celsius and in central India it was 37.78 degrees Celsius.Giving a forecast for May, the Met Department on Saturday said people would not only be carrying hot days, but also nights could be warmer than usual, according to forecasts.
The forecast also said that although temperatures may be higher than normal, the number of recordings of heat waves is likely to be lower than normal in May.Across India, temperatures are expected to be below normal, the IMD forecast said.
India, on average, re-recorded its hottest March 121 years with the highest temperatures in the country at 1.86 degrees Celsius above normal, IMD data showed.
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