In recent times, climate change and Carbon emission is taken as center point for the discussion among scientist and policy makers. Especially, the Electric vehicles are constantly being emphasized in India, many such countries are already working continuously in this direction from India, in a way it can be said that the whole world seems to be promoting electric vehicles because in recent times Where such a vehicle is being made which is right for the environment and is not going to harm them, like in recent times, China started a hydrocarbon-powered train, making China the first country in Asia and the second country in the world after Germany has gone.
Let’s talk about India, in the recent times, we are all seeing a lot of electric buses, vehicles, bikes, scooties running in the country and now the first electric highway is also going to be built in the country between Delhi and Jaipur. Earlier such highways were built in Sweden and Germany. So these were some of the things related to electric vehicles in recent times.
Switzerland is a country in Central Europe. It is known for its beauty and 60% of its area is covered by the Alps mountains, apart from this Swiss watches, cheese, chocolate, are also very much liked. Talking about the standard of living of the people here, it is one of the highest standards of living in the world. The three official languages of this country are German, French and Italian, and there is also a co-official language, Romansh.
Let’s talk about a work which was going on for 14 years in Switzerland, which has been prepared with a lot of hard work and effort, that is “Water Battery”. Because it does not work alone for any one car, but has the capacity to charge four lakh electric cars simultaneously. For this, 900 MW hydro power plants have been installed in the depths of the Swiss Alps.
This battery works on hydro-electric energy and can also store it. It is installed between two bridges. The height of these bridges is different.
Water is sent from the lower bridge towards the upper bridge and the fast flow of water runs the hydro turbines, the electricity that is generated is called hydro-electric energy and then this energy is stored and thus Ready to charge electric vehicles. It is said that it can store 20 million kilowatts of electricity.
It has cost about 2 billion euros to make this water battery. Let us tell you that Switzerland is a country where a lot of attention is paid to hydro power, that is why this country’s dependence on oil and gas for energy is less as compared to other countries, because it can prepare and prepare some of its needed electricity in the same way.
And in this direction, the plant that Switzerland has prepared becomes even more important because it can use the electricity generated by it in its other work as per the requirement. It is said that this power plant can be better than other plants because it gives more stable electricity. This consumes less electricity and does notrequire much maintenance.
Opinion and Edited by Megha Chaubey
Managing Director – Meghabri Consultancy Services
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