The journey toward the acceptance of plate tectonics theory has been long and filled with challenges, yet even now, it continues to evolve. A recent study focusing on four plateaus in the western Pacific Ocean sheds new light on the dynamics of Earth’s crust, suggesting that these expansive areas are not rigid slabs as previously thought but rather weak spots being pulled apart by distant forces at the plate’s edge.
Led by University of Toronto geophysicist Russell Pysklywec and earth scientist Erkan Gün, the study challenges the traditional view that large sections of oceanic plates remain rigid as they drift atop the mantle. By analyzing existing data on oceanic plateaus such as the Shatsky Rise, Hess Rise, Ontong Java Plateau, and Manihiki Plateau, the researchers found evidence of deformational and magmatic features suggesting that these areas are experiencing stretching and thinning due to pull forces at the edge of the Pacific plate.
The team’s modeling efforts revealed that regardless of their distance from the plate edge, these plateaus undergo stretching and thinning over millions of years, particularly on the side closest to the trench. This challenges the notion that thicker plateaus should be stronger, indicating that they are, in fact, weaker than previously assumed.
While the study focused on a limited number of plateaus in the western Pacific Ocean, the researchers hope that their findings will inspire further exploration and mapping of the seafloor. By continuing to refine our understanding of plate tectonics and the dynamics of Earth’s crust, we can gain valuable insights into the processes shaping our planet’s geological landscape.