Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi will enter Andhra Pradesh on Friday. Surrounded by former Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and top party leaders, Gandhi resumed his march here from Rampura in the morning after an overnight break. The former Congress president will have a short stay at Obalapuram in Andhra Pradesh’s Anantapur district, party workers said.
“Another remarkable day is upon us! Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka – wherever #BharatJodoYatra goes, love follows. Join us as we briefly step into Andhra Pradesh for another day of action,” the Bharat Jodo Yatra team posted on their Twitter handle. After a brief stay in Andhra Pradesh, Gandhi will return to Karnataka later in the day.
According to Congress officials, Rahul Gandhi would enter Andhra Pradesh through Jajirakallu toll plaza where he would halt till 4.30 pm and then proceed further. The Congress leader will also stop for a while at Obalapuram village in the evening. After returning to Karnataka, the Wayanad MP will stay overnight at Halakundhi Math in Ballari district.
As the march started from Rampura, garlands, banners, posters and Congress flags were seen along its route. Many people shook Gandhi’s hand, hugged him and interacted with him. The Bharat Jodo Yatra entered Karnataka on September 30 and will leave the state on October 20 after covering 511 km in 21 days. The aim of the yatra is to unite India against divisive forces.
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