In a historic development, the BSE Sensex crossed the 71,000 mark for the first time, reaching an all-time high of 71,084.08 during morning trade on Friday. The 30-share BSE Sensex surged 569.88 points, with major gainers including Infosys, Tech Mahindra, HCL Technologies, Tata Consultancy Services, Wipro, and JSW Steel. The market capitalization (mcap) of BSE-listed firms also reached a record high of ₹357 lakh crore in early trade on Friday.
The achievement comes amid positive momentum in Asian markets, with gains observed in Seoul, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. The US markets also ended higher on Thursday. This milestone follows the Sensex surpassing the 70,000 level for the first time in early trade on Monday.
The Sensex, launched on January 2, 1986, comprises 30 stocks representing the Indian stock market and serves as a crucial indicator of India’s financial health. The index has witnessed a significant jump of around 12,400 points in the eight months since the end of March, marking a substantial recovery from the level of 57,5271 during that period. In late November, the broader Nifty 50 also touched 20,000 for the first time.