The Liveability Index is a composite indicator based on standards related to lifestyle factors including Social Infrastructure, Travel, Public Transport, Public Open Space, Access to Housing, and Local Employment.The 13 steps that include the life and survival index are: road communication; overcrowding; access to community, culture and recreation; access to child care services; access to public schools; access to health services; access to sports and recreation facilities; access to new foods; easy access to convenience stores; access to regular public transport; access to a large public open space; the stress of being able to afford low housing; and local employment opportunities.
About the Global Liveability Index:
The index looks at more than 30 quality and quantity factors that cover five broad categories: sustainability (25%), health care (20%), culture and environment (25%), education (10%), and infrastructure (20%). As a result of the epidemic, the EIU has added new indicators such as pressure on health care facilities and restrictions on local sports events, theaters, music concerts, restaurants and schools. Each element in the city is rated as acceptable, unbearable, uncomfortable, unwanted or unbearable.
Global Liveability Index in India:
Bengaluru may have exceeded the Union Government’s Ease of Living Index last year, but the Karnataka capital was the worst among Indian cities in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Global Livability Index 2022, released on June 24.
Bengaluru’s position in the Global Livability Index 2022
For the first time, a total of five Indian cities are listed; before 2022, only Delhi and Mumbai were introduced. In the current system, the index was extended to include Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Chennai.However, each of the five has done poorly, as it is listed between 140 and 146. India’s IT capital was ranked 146th with a total settlement of 54.4. Delhi, the national capital, and the financial capital Mumbai are ranked 140th (56.5 points) and 141th (56.2 points) respectively. Chennai and Ahmedabad were ranked 142 and 143 respectively, with 55.8 and 55.7 respectively.
Why is Bengaluru doing so badly?
The largest, most populous city and the first preferred city, received 46.4 (out of 100) infrastructure points, the lowest among the five Indian cities.The EIU bases its infrastructure points on road quality, public transport, international links, electricity supply, communications, water, and the availability of quality housing.Known for its gardens, Bengaluru, in recent years, has also experienced the heavy flak of its ‘concrete forests’. It is also notorious for traffic jams.
Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, was ranked among the five most uninhabited cities but performed better than Bengaluru infrastructure, with 51.8. Nigeria’s Lagos, the most populous city in Africa, is listed as the third most populous city in the world, but it received the same number of points as Bengaluru in terms of infrastructure.