Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy sustained injuries to his forehead after unidentified individuals hurled stones at him during his bus tour in Vijayawada. The incident occurred near his left eyebrow, but after receiving first aid, he resumed his yatra.
The attack, which targeted Reddy while he was acknowledging crowds during his bus tour at Vivekananda School Centre in Singh Nagar, Vijayawada, has been condemned as an act of cowardice by his party, YSRCP. The Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) confirmed that the stone hit Reddy with considerable velocity, leading officials to suspect it may have been launched from a catapult.
Reddy was atop the bus greeting people when the attack took place. The incident comes in the midst of his bus tour named Memantha Siddham (We are all ready), launched in March as part of his party’s election campaign. The tour aimed to cover all districts in anticipation of the upcoming assembly polls, coinciding with the Lok Sabha election where the BJP has formed an alliance with Telugu Desam and Janasena Party.
YSRCP has squarely blamed Telugu Desam and its chief, Chandrababu Naidu, for the attack on the Chief Minister. Investigations are underway to identify and apprehend the perpetrators of the assault, which has raised concerns about the safety of political leaders during public engagements.
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