In a shocking revelation, Kolkata police have identified Sanjoy Roy, a 33-year-old civic volunteer, as the prime suspect in the horrific rape and murder of a doctor at a government hospital. Roy, who was arrested on Monday, is alleged to have a history of disturbing behavior, including an addiction to violent and unnatural pornography, as well as a troubling past marked by multiple failed marriages and domestic violence.
Roy, a trained boxer who joined the police force in 2019, was stationed at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, where the crime took place. According to investigators, his mobile phone contained several violent pornographic clips, raising concerns about his mental state. Neighbors and police sources have painted a grim picture of Roy’s personal life, describing him as a womanizer with a history of physically abusing his wives.
Despite the overwhelming evidence, including blood spots found on his shoes and a Bluetooth headset discovered at the crime scene, Roy’s mother insists her son is innocent and claims he is being framed. However, police remain confident in their case, noting that Roy attempted to cover up the crime by washing his clothes after the incident.
The tragic case has sent shockwaves through Kolkata, as the victim, a post-graduate trainee, was found raped and murdered inside a hospital seminar hall where she had gone to rest during her night shift. Authorities are continuing their investigation, including exploring Roy’s connections with senior police officers, as they seek justice for the young doctor.
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