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Juno Probe Unveils Io’s Volcanic Secrets: Infrared Images Show Lava Lakes in Detail

NASA’s Juno probe has provided unprecedented insights into the volcanic activity of Jupiter’s moon Io, the most volcanically active world in the Solar System. Using the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM), Juno has captured detailed images revealing the structure and behavior of Io’s extensive lava lakes.

Io, known for its intense volcanic activity, hosts around 400 active volcanoes, with approximately 150 erupting at any given time. The recent data from JIRAM shows that about 3% of Io’s surface is covered by molten lava lakes contained in caldera-like features, according to astrophysicist Alessandro Mura from the National Institute for Astrophysics in Italy.

These findings were made possible by Juno’s high spatial resolution and strategic flybys, which have allowed scientists to observe Io’s surface in remarkable detail. The probe’s observations have revealed that the most common form of volcanism on Io involves large lava lakes with a crust in the center and a ring of exposed liquid lava around the edges.

Io’s volcanic activity is driven by a complex gravitational interplay between Jupiter and its other large moons—Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede. This gravitational tug-of-war generates internal stress within Io, producing significant heat that manifests as surface volcanism.

Recent flybys by Juno have provided a closer look at Io’s volcanic landscape, capturing images of erupting plumes and shimmering lava lakes. Infrared observations of specific lava lakes, such as Chors Patera, show that the center is covered by a cooling crust, with a ring of molten lava around the edges. Scientists believe this crust rubs against the sides of the lake, breaking off edges and forming the perimeter lava ring.

Scott Bolton, Juno’s principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute, emphasized the significance of these observations in understanding Io’s volcanic processes. He noted that the combination of these new findings with Juno’s broader mission to map Io’s poles provides a comprehensive view of the moon’s dynamic environment.

The Juno probe’s latest revelations offer a deeper understanding of Io’s volcanic activity, shedding light on the underlying processes driving its intense volcanism and providing a clearer picture of this intriguing moon’s surface dynamics.

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