Researchers have developed a N95 mask that is reusable, recyclable, washable, odorless, sleepless and anti-microbial N95 using 3D printing technology. The four-layer mask has a silicon outer layer that stays on the shelf for more than 5 years depending on its use various industries where they are exposed to a lot of dust such as cement factory, brick kiln, cotton industry and pain industry. It can be adjusted according to need by changing the filter configuration depending on the area in which it is to be used and can help prevent serious lung diseases such as SILICOSIS. The trademark and copyright have also been included in the mask file called Nano Breath.
A 4-layer filter is provided in a mask where the outer and first layer of the filter is covered with nanoparticles. The second layer is a highly effective particulate absorbing filter (HEPA), the third layer is a 100 µm filter and a moisture-absorbing filter.
Drs. Atul Thakur, Dr. Preeti Thakur, Dr. Lucky Krishnia, and Prof. P. B. Sharma, research scholar Dinesh Kumar of Amity University Haryana (AUH) and Prof. Rakesh Srivastava of the University of Nebraska, USA has co-produced this product great power as prophylactic.
The Zetasizer Nano ZS, a center supported by the ‘Science and Technology Infrastructure Development Fund’ (FIST) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India which allows for the analysis of high temperature materials of pottery and catalysis applications, has been used for this purpose. It is a high performance, flexible system for measuring particle size, zeta strength, molecular weight, particle movement and micro-rheology.