In Chandausi town of Sambhal district, an ongoing excavation in the Laxman Ganj locality has uncovered a 150-year-old stepwell, with a tunnel believed to be linked to the Banke Bihari Temple. The discovery has sparked interest among locals and authorities alike, with further efforts underway to explore the structure’s historical significance.
District Magistrate Rajender Pensiya stated, “The temple will be renovated, and encroachments in the vicinity will be cleared. If required, we will consult the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to determine the structure’s age.”
The excavation, which began on Saturday, resumed on Sunday in the predominantly Muslim neighborhood of Laxman Ganj. The site is situated a short distance from the Banke Bihari Temple, raising questions about the tunnel’s purpose and historical context.
Authorities aim to preserve the architectural heritage while ensuring the area remains accessible and free from encroachments.