Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai, known as the father of India’s space program, was an eminent physicist and industrialist who played a key role in shaping India’s space exploration. Born on 12 August 1919 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, he grew up in a family of industrialists, businessmen and scholars.
Sarabhai received his early education from Shetha Chimanlal Nagindas Vidyalaya followed by St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he continued his doctoral studies in cosmic ray physics.
Sarabhai’s vision for India’s space program
After returning to India, Sarabhai realized the importance of developing a national space program that would put India on the global map of scientific and technological advancement. In 1962, he founded the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR), which later evolved into the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). He was the first chairman of ISRO, serving from 1963 until his untimely death in 1971.
Sarabhai’s contributions to India’s space program were multidimensional. He initiated several pioneering programs, including the development of the Satellite Educational Television Experiment (SITE), which was launched in 1975 to provide education and training to rural and remote areas of the country. He also envisioned India’s first satellite, Aryabhata, which was launched in 1975, marking a major milestone in the country’s space programme.
Apart from his contributions to the development of satellite technology, Sarabhai played a key role in setting up India’s first rocket launch station at Thumba in Kerala. Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) Thumba was inaugurated in 1963 and marked India’s entry into the space age.
Sarabhai’s Legacy in India’s Space Programme
Sarabhai’s contributions to India’s space program were not only scientific but also inspirational. He was a visionary leader who instilled a sense of national pride and scientific curiosity among the country’s youth.
His contributions to the development of space technology earned him several awards and honors, including the Padma Bhushan in 1966 and the Padma Vibhushan posthumously in 1972.
Sarabhai’s legacy continues to inspire future generations of scientists and technologists in India. Today, ISRO is one of the world’s leading space agencies, having launched more than 100 satellites and several interplanetary missions, including the Mars Orbiter mission in 2014. ISRO’s achievements in space technology are a testament to Sarabhai’s vision and leadership.
In conclusion, Vikram Sarabhai’s contribution to India’s space program was invaluable. His visionary leadership and scientific talent laid the foundation for India’s space program, which became a source of national pride and inspiration. His legacy continues to inspire future generations of scientists and technologists and his name remains synonymous with Indian space exploration.
Written by: Vaishali verma
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