Archaeologists are often depicted as being “stumped” or “baffled” by their discoveries. In reality, specialists usually have a good grasp of what most historical objects were created for. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. The following list is a selection of intriguing mystery objects that continue to captivate both professionals and the public alike.
1. Neolithic Stone Balls
Elaborately carved stone balls from the Neolithic period (circa 3200-2500 BCE) have been found predominantly in Scotland. Over 425 of these balls, roughly the size of a cricket ball and made from various stones, have been discovered. Their surfaces are often sculpted into raised circular discs or with deep incisions defining knobs and lobes. The decorations echo the spirals and concentric shapes found on pottery and monumental stones of the era.
Some balls have been found in burials, others in settlements, but they are rarely identical and usually found alone, suggesting they were not part of a set. Their exact purpose remains a mystery, with theories ranging from weapons and toys to mnemonic devices or ball bearings for moving megaliths.
2. Roman Dodecahedra
Roman bronze dodecahedra, dating from the Roman period in Britain (43-410 CE), have been found across the north-west provinces of the former Roman empire. Around 130 of these objects, finely crafted from copper alloy, have been discovered. Despite their intricate design, no ancient art or literature mentions them, and their use-wear does not provide clear clues about their function. Speculations include knitting tools, but archaeologists remain undecided.
3. Neolithic Chalk Drums
In 1889, three carved chalk cylinders, known as the Folkton Chalk Drums, were found in a child’s grave in Folkton, North Yorkshire. These drums have geometric decorations and facial features. A fourth, undecorated drum was found in West Sussex in 1993, and another ornate example was excavated in East Yorkshire in 2015.
While some researchers connect their circumferences with a standardized measure of length, others think they may have served as references to perishable containers or had astronomical significance. Their presence in children’s graves suggests a possibly more sensitive purpose.
4. Bronze Age “Lock-Rings”
Small penannular rings from the late Bronze Age (circa 1000-800 BCE) have been found in Ireland, Britain, and parts of France. Often discovered in pairs, these gold ornaments feature delicate engravings. Recent interpretations suggest they could have been nose rings, earrings, or hair ornaments. However, elements of their design make these explanations unsatisfactory. Contextual discoveries, like those at Boncuklu Tarla in Turkey, might eventually provide more insights.
5. Romano-British Cosmetic Grinders
Cosmetic grinders, small copper alloy kits from the late Iron Age to early Roman period (circa 100-200 CE), are unique to Britain. These sets, consisting of a mortar and pestle, often feature decorative motifs of waterbirds and bovids. While their function is understood—grinding substances—the exact nature of these substances remains unknown. Suggestions include medicines, cosmetics, and narcotics, but no mortar contents have been successfully analyzed.
These objects illustrate why unearthing the past continues to fascinate both archaeologists and the public. Each discovery brings us closer to understanding our ancestors, yet many mysteries remain unsolved, sparking ongoing curiosity and research.
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